Sunday, August 28, 2016

Emma Here!
The song of the week is:
*Drum Roll*
Smooth Criminal!
By: Grant Gustin and Naya Rivera
(original song by Michael Jackson)
Enjoy this pick of Grant Gustin to look at Ladies!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hey! Emma reporting for duty!
Random post of the day is:
 "I love Katie Cassidy!
and Caity Lotz!
and Emily Bett Richards!
and willa holand! know what?
 i just love the women of Arrow, flash and legends of tomorrow!"
That is today's random statement/post
Now for the question for today!
"any other CW TV shows fans out there?
(meaning Supergirl,Arrow, Flash, legends of tomorrow)"

Hey! Emma reporting for duty!
Random post of the day is:
 "I love Katie Cassidy!
and Caity Lotz!
and Emily Bett Richards!
and willa holand! know what?
 i just love the women of Arrow, flash and legends of tomorrow!"
That is today's random statement/post
Now for the question for today!
"any other CW TV shows fans out there?
(meaning Flash, arrow, supergirl, legends of tomorrow)"

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Pics of us

This is us...a little selfie action....on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece in the summer of 2015. Cannot wait to plan our next trip......

Get to know us...

Hello! We are the free range chicks. We are exploring homeschoolers. We are working to live a self-sufficient, natural lifestyle. We all love to cook, try new cuisine, travel both here in the States and internationally, learn about history and spend quality time with each other.  The free range chicks consist of 4 members: Mom-Jodi, a single mom and registered nurse with a passion for natural childbirth; Olivia-15, a horse afficinado and amateur artist and author, lover of anime' and all things book-related; Sophia-almost 14, a survival freak, archer, and animal lover; and Emma-12, pastry chef, ballerina, crafter and lover of all things sparkly. We also included a miniature Yorkshire Terrier, Lucy--our mascot.

We decided we needed one place to record all of our craziness! Book vlogs, travel photos and videos, how-to recipe instructions, survival tips and tricks, art & literature passions, you-name-it will be included. Check back often, you never know what we might come up with to share.